David Mann Japan

Background music and classical guitar

About David Mann

David Mann is Scottish and gained his Classical Guitar Teacher's Qualification in 1983 from the Trinity College London. He is a Licentiate of the Trinity College London (LTCL)


David Mann

Classical Guitarist and Composer

Playing at the Snafkin Cafe, Tannowa


My Guitar

A Beautiful Taurus Guitar

Made in Barcelona in 1977

The only hint I can find about the maker: Antonio Picado. Taurus guitars as a company is long gone.


My Keyboard

A Cute Little Midi Keyboard

Korg Microkey

Con mi música, creo que siempre estoy intentando de expresar esa sensación de soledad que experimentas cuando das un paseo al lado de un bello río, o paras un ratito para apreciar la vista desde una montaña. O bien en momentos así cuando estás solo, pero algo contento. Quizás hay una cierta melancolía pero no te estorba demasiado.

スペイン語で「soledad」と言うの言葉は「独りぼっち」の意味ちょっと違いうます。 僕の音楽でその幸せの独りぼっちな感じを頑張って表現したいかなあ?例えば一人で芦屋川沿って行く時、もちろん、ちょっと 独りぼっちなのに寂しくないね。満足な感じかな?

"Soledad" kind of captures the feeling I often want to express in my music. It's that delicious sense of melancholy mixed with contentment that I get just from walking along a nice river or looking at a beautiful view from a mountain top.