David Mann Japan

Background music and classical guitar

Welcome to David Mann Japan

David Mann is a qualified classical guitar teacher and composer of mainly background music, but he has tried his hand at a few love songs. He loves creating atmospheric background music, mostly depicting the natural world, but he also loves train journeys, tea shops, cafes, quiet streets, driving in the rain...

満デイヴィッドはスコットランドの出身でクラシックギターの免許持ってBGMの作曲家 です。 ラブソングも作ってみましたけど一番好きな曲はBGM「背景音楽」です。 自然、電車の旅行、喫茶店、穏やかな道、雨の日のドラブなどについてBGM作るのが大好き。